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Old 27th April 2018, 02:33 PM   #5
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by oracle_2010
Hi David & Alan, thank you for your explanation.
By the way, the keris Minang pictured here is actually small one (the blade is less than 25 cm in length) and it got sepuhan on the tip part of the blade.

I have seen the previous thread which discuss the small keris or called keris selit in the Malay culture which is functioned as dressing companion. But judging from the sepuhan exist on the keris that I've shown you, is it possible that these small keris may have practical function (eg: as a weapon)?

I also attached picture of a tombak from Palembang with sepuhan only on the tip part.
Hi Oracle. AFAIK Keris selit is specific certain areas of Malay culture. Minangkabau culture is distinctly different from the Malay cultures of the Peninsula as well as other cultures on Sumatra. I do not believe they have a tradition of keris selit as a dress function. From my understanding Minang keris tend towards the shorter side.
Keris are stabbing weapons so the most important area of the blade for harding would be the tip.
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