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Old 26th April 2018, 06:19 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Séverin,

Here is my first Timor sword, but I don't know is name. Is it a Surik? and the region where from. I know that there are very many tribes in Timor, and each in a specific sword
Considering that names most likely changed from one ethnic group to the next or so, I'd avoid the name game and concentrate on narrowing down its origin which may also be one of the many islands close to Timor - Karel (in Albert's standard reference book) referred to these fairly related cultures and their region as "Timor group."

Your hilt resembles Karel's "type b" (especially from Pantar - however, these tend to have less hair). I'm attaching a pic of a sword from Timor proper that exhibits an even more abstract hilt (without any hair and even more slender). I can't recall seeing anything close to your scabbard (Fig. 587 from SW Timor in AvZ has quite limited similarities). I'll try to solicit a response from Karel...

BTW, your piece seems to have some age - I'm less sure about the brass nails of the scabbard though. The hair apparently got replaced fairly recently: On top of the pommel, the hair seems to be inserted into holes (I guess these look old?); however, I'm weary about the hair at the underside of the pommel - apparently strands of hair got glued into incisions that look like later modifications of an originally "beard-less" pommel!

The blade looks quite thick and has interesting marks at the base - probably these were already on the original blade, probably a trade blade that got recycled into a Timor group sword. (Unusual to have any marks close to the edge though!)

Please add the dimensions (length, thickness, etc.) for your piece - this may help!

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