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Old 23rd April 2018, 12:55 AM   #6
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi TS:

Yes, there does seem to be some melding of styles with modern Filipino knives. Based on personal observations, I think the commercial production of "mixed" styles probably started in the 1980s and has increased in the last 10-20 years, particularly as online commerce has increased and there has been greater interest in Filipino eskrima.

Your note about Bohol knives is well taken and there are tourist packages that include visits to Bohol knife makers. The same is true on Cebu. The mix of styles in these tourist spots may be dictated by the local commercial interests.

In the case of the topic of this thread, however, I think we are looking at a knife that was likely made about 50 years ago and reflects a more traditional mix based on geographic location. The accompanying leather sheath is of an older Luzon style and shows age-related deterioration.

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