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Old 21st April 2018, 09:44 PM   #5
David R
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Originally Posted by Treeslicer
A lovely pair of kukris for sure! David, I sure wish I had your flea markets in my area.

David R., What is the significance to provenance of the way that the upright prong of the kaura is filed with indents on this one, as well as on the one in your steel-hilt thread?
I am lucky, but also diligent. My best bargains have been found under dealers tables, and in the "dump boxes" of dealers who specialise in other stuff, like bayonets, military swords and western knives.

Regarding the kaudi, there is a lot of discussion as to their meaning and significance... but in my opinion, a more detailed and complex shape to this portion is a ringing bell declaring something better and more interesting than usual.
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