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Old 15th April 2018, 02:33 PM   #1
thomas hauschild
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Germany
Posts: 140
Default Kris, Wedung, sikkin parang from Fleemarket to share

Hi folks

2weeks ago I had some luck on a fleemarket. I bought a kris ( 50€) a sikkin Parang (60 € ) and a wedung (70 € ) from the same dealer.

The blade of the kris seems to be pamor after I have cleaned a small area. I think it is well made and in a good condition with some rust at the tip, but it will easy to clean and etch it up a little bit. As I know it is from bali. The hulu seems to be newer, and looks not be used over a long time. Any detailed information will be welcome.

The parang is typical. I had a same in my collection before. But I can‘t let it there alone without his 2 friends ;-) The german dealer comes from near the netherlands border. Maybe he will find some more for me.

The Wedung seems to have a laminated blade. Any information about the age and so on will be welcome.

Best regards

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