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Old 13th April 2018, 08:02 AM   #2
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Hello Ron,

Congrats, nice grab!

i think this particular one is from Samar/Leyte area, but what is so unusual is pretty much just about everything. Initially, it looks like a Talibong, based on the scabbard, but looking closely, it's not quite what it seems to be. the handle design is totally different from your typical talibong, or garab, but then again the carvings are typical from that those islands. The blade is more of a western Visayan style, very balance. the scabbard is totally unique, in that it's thru and thru garab style, all the way to the "eye" by the toe. the toe itself is unusual in shape; it looks more like an arabian shoe.
Since the Waray scabbard is obviously made for the blade, I'd believe that the blade is also Waray (the balance feeling more usual due to the straight blade).

The hilt and guard were apparently commissioned by someone inspired by Spanish influence (via Luzon or western Visayas); this may also be the reason for the straight blade shape. Maybe a local Waray colonial official/dignitary (eastern Leyte?) or Waray expat in western Leyte?

The carving at the scabbard tip seems unusual and might help to narrow down its origin. Except for the rather nondescript crenelations and basic geometric motifs, I don't recognize specific Waray design motifs at the hilt, do you?

BTW, is the rear of the guard fixed by a nail or is it a full tang construction?

I'm adding a pic of another odd Waray blade that I acquired recently. Again with original Waray scabbard (with a somewhat similarly curved tip); the weird bone hilt might well be a later replacement though.

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