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Old 10th April 2018, 12:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262
Default Maguindanao twistcore Kris.

Dear All,

something a bit unusual.

At 59,4 cm quite huge. It has 6 bars at the base of blade, the highest number I have seen on Kris so far, and 4 bars until the tip. The welding is done remarkably well.

Besides that it has two unusual features that distinguish it from the rather uniform group of similar Maguindanao blades - a slightly different fullering at the base (it concerns a feature called Tikel Alis in Javanese Keris terminology);
and the end of the middle panel - it's closed like an gothic arch, quite near to the tip.

The curl at the end of "elephants trunk" is done very finely.
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