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Old 5th April 2018, 11:54 AM   #4
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the iconic 1796LC blade was one of the most popular blades in the late 18th thru the early 20th century and the Poles used a very similar one in WW2. The brits relegated them to the Indian Sepoys after they fell out of favour in the UK, where they were sometimes re-hilted as talwars, the brit forces during the mutiny in the 1850's complained that the Indian sabres cut better than theirs. They were, however british 1796 blades.

The Indians were offered the 'new' straight 1905 'sabre', similar to Patton's design, for WW1 use but refused it, and went with a 1796 blade, slightly shorter and a stronger, wider forte, with an 1821 style grip. The Indian Army pattern of 1910: (used thru 1918) Mine, top, IWM Bottom & there's is minus the patina of mine. (
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Last edited by kronckew; 5th April 2018 at 12:11 PM.
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