25th March 2018, 01:33 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Wirral
Posts: 1,204
Originally Posted by M ELEY
Excellent acquisition, Ken! One I would be proud to have in my own collection (remember me in your will-  ). The script 'GR' places it in the period you mention, but the defining point is that small drilled hole in the knucklebow that often had a ring device placed here. This feature became popular after 1790 up to about 1800. It is a way to differentiate some of the officer's naval swords of the period, those with drilled holes and those without.
Is the hilt ivory, bone or simply white wood? I have a sword of this period with the same ribbed grip and this style wasn't uncommon. I originally thought my grip (black material) was horn, but I soon learned it was ebony wood, so wood grips were also common. In any case, an excellent specimen dating to the time of the Quasi-War, Napoleonic and War of 1812 era.
Can you expand on the naval vs non naval officer aspect of these swords re the drilled hole. Have not heard this before and it sounds rather interesting .