Thread: bugis keris
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Old 14th March 2018, 12:18 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by La Pagaru
Dear david

that is bugis david, here still sometimes we get heirlooms from the direct owners that they can from the heritage of their ancestors, they sometimes do not like if part of the shell fall out or dull so jadang they sharpen and sharpen it, though the blade is very well maintained because here we have own way different from jawa in taking care of kris, using warangan, we here only use lime to care for our heirloom and just perfume from incense smoke,

Best regrads
Thanks for finally responding to my post LP, but you did not really address most of my questions, including clarification about your remark that pamor Luwa contains a "lot of meteorite" and my request that you show a complete image of the last blade you posted. I am aware of the differences in maintenance practices between Jawa and Bugis cultures, but there is more about this last blade you posted than its good condition that makes be suspect it is a contemporary blade.

Last edited by David; 14th March 2018 at 05:30 AM.
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