Thread: bugis keris
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Old 12th March 2018, 11:24 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by La Pagaru
Dear all

greetings, I am very struck to see the beauty of keris owned roland, and I hope one day I can bring it back to Indonesia and return it to the bugis land. Bugis call it pamornya kurissi, and our hollow part we call it teddo or piercings ,, we have the ancient book we call lontara bessi, our own bugis heirloom guide and I once gave a few pages translet to kai,

Best regrads
Hello La Pagaru,

thank you for your words. And if I give this Keris away some day, it would be my greatest wish, to give it back to Indonesia!
I added two pictures for you, one with the hilt and waranka. The second one shows the Keris in my living room. You can see, this truly is a special place. I see and treat this Keris with great respect.

Best wishes,
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