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Old 12th March 2018, 06:38 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Dave,

As I said before, the knife is very basic and it certainly seems more utility than ceremonial to me (unless the ceremony is very low-key!).
The region I'm leaning to as an origin for this piece was pretty poor with small settlements of only very few houses (while other Batak areas were quite rich); some of the ceremonial LPs (evidently worn by spiritual leaders only) are also quite basic.

Forgive my ignorance, but I don't know what EDC means (every day cooking?). There's a nice patina to the wood so I assume it's been handled a lot.
Every day carry - which, I suppose, includes cooking for at least a part of any population...

Yes, the blade is sturdy and has genuine age to it as do the fittings; the piece may well be antique (tough to tell - the carving is less refined than in many Batak utility pieces). The brass(?) bands of the scabbard may be later replacements (usually braided rattan rings with most utility pieces).

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