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Old 10th March 2018, 01:34 PM   #1
Marcus den toom
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Default 16th century siege mortar of Francis I

First appearing in the earliest times of firearms, records state mortars to have been developed during the 14th century. These where of hoop and stave construction like all the bigger cannons at those times. From the mid 15th century France, as one of the first, began to cast their cannons and mortars in founderies.

Francis the I of France was born from the noble house of Volois in 1494. Their coat of arms that of crest with three golden lillies. Francis also chose a personal symbol as a display of his unquestioned power, that of the salamander. Starting in the medieval times Salamanders where revered as beast of great power and immunite to fire. In France they also held more importance in folklore, beeing beast that could poison things by merely walking on it (like water wells and fruit trees).

Francis held a high regard for the arts and the new ideas of the Renaissance. He contracted famous artist like Leonardo da Vinci and build magnificant buildings. He also was the protector of letters, building a royal library and writing his own poems.
His predecessor started the "italian wars" which where continued by Francis. The conquest of the papal states and the hatred of his adversary Charles the V would ultimatly bring his doom as he was defeated and captured at the battle of Pavia in 1525.
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