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Old 5th March 2018, 09:40 PM   #12
Vikingsword Staff
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Location: The Aussie Bush
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Hi AP:

Two nice examples you found!

The first one with the broad straight blade is a blade profile we have seen here before. I recall another example about 12-15 years ago, perhaps on the old UBB forum (presently out of action). To me the ensemble looks Maguindanao with a bone kakatua of typical shape and the gangya area is one of two styles that Cato has attributed to the Maguindanao. The cord wrap is non-specific, but again consistent with work from the same group. I would put this one as mid- to late-19th C, with a more recent hilt.

The second one could well be older and I don't think it is typical Moro work. Mention has been made of the hexagonal cross section to the blade and beveled edges, while this particular small kakatua looks atypical for the area. I think Lee Jones has a sword with a similar hilt and in the discussion of his sword I believe that someone posted another old kris with a blade similar to this one. IIRCC the consensus on Lee's sword was that it came from Borneo or Malaysia. I've tried looking for the discussion of Lee's sword but it may also be on the old UBB site.

Thanks for posting these.

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