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Old 19th February 2018, 07:55 PM   #23
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

David, there is no disagreement at all between us. For a disagreement to exist there must be a situation where one person is attempting to change the opinion of another.

I am not attempting to change your opinion, nor anybody else's opinion for that matter.

In fact, I am not even putting forward my own opinion, which is not a part of this discussion, and which I choose to reserve.

What I have done is to try to provide some understanding of the way things are, on the ground, in Jawa.

I'm simply relaying information.

We can all choose to do whatever we will with that information:- accept, reject, or disbelieve.

Whatever anybody does with it is of no consequence to me.

In respect of the material from which Treeslicer's first keris has been made, actually, I'm not real sure that this has been made from unwashed steel. In order to carve ferric material, especially if the carving is done by hand, it needs to be soft. Modern mild steel still contains some carbon, and even after it has been annealed it can still be a bit difficult to carve using simple hand tools. The way around this difficulty is to throw a couple of welds into the material --- you can probably stop the welding when the little stars stop being thrown off at weld heat.

Treeslicer could tell better with it in his hand if it has been welded, but looking closely at the pics it seems to me that I can see a couple of weld joints; maybe what I can see is just sloppy work, even sloppier than the rest of the work, it is difficult to be sure from the pics.
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