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Old 19th February 2018, 12:32 AM   #19
Keris forum moderator
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Thanks Alan. I don't think i really disagreed with you in my last post and did indeed acknowledge its possible use in formal wear for those without a family keris for their attire.
I won't debate whether tourists still bring such things back from their trips to Indonesia, though i personally know some who have (non-keris collectors wanting to bring a piece of their trip home). But i have seen similar things here in the States in stores that specialize in Indonesian imports, so they serve a similar purpose in that context i guess. This is not to say that they still don't serve a local purpose as well.
Tree slicer seems to tells us this is not a pattern welded blade and the the pamor pattern has been simulated by creating raised lines in the blade. Personally, from my own perspective, that allows me to lean more towards keris-like-object and legitimate keris since it does not appear that it was made in a traditional fashion. You once told us, i believe, of witnessing a cardboard keris used as part of dress in a formal occasion. While being used for a genuine cultural event would you still regard that as a legitimate keris?
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