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Old 16th February 2018, 08:02 PM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 65

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
This keris might be Madura (Sumenep), but I doubt it. It is more likely that it is Jogja, pre-1980, post-1950.

In fact, I probably knew the man who made it.

Thank you very, very much. Pre-1980 would explain a bit. I was also wondering if someone who ordinarily decorated something other than kerises might have been tapped to decorate one. I've seen a number of vile attempts at kerises come home in sea-bags, but not one quite like this. The naga head is closer to an outraged lizard, as I feel it should be, than to a grumpy bear or a dog, and the artisan sharpened his chisel occasionally.
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