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Old 5th February 2018, 11:10 PM   #6
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Hello Robert,

I guess (hope) you did not pay a huge amount when buying without knowledge from fuzzy pictures

The scabbard is indeed very plain, this is not always an indication of age.
But this scabbard I would guess to be 2nd half 20th century.

The blade is also very plain, but than again, I have seen mid 19th century blades that where very plain as well. If this blade was well maintained I would not be surprised if it was around 1900. It can be more recent for sure.
But the lack of decoration is not the only age indicator imo.
This blade was definately made to be used. For work and if needed for battle.
As for the crude finish of the concave side. I am posting one of my mandau's
,not a recent piece imo, but also with a unusual and crude concave side.

The handle. that is a real puzzle. The "monkeys" are unusual. I sooner would think they represent the aso / dog. The style is unusual, but I don't use the terms "old style / new style". I really don't see the point of comparing this handle to one of an over the top decorated handle from the 1930's. the craftmaship of the carver can not be the only age indicator.
The rattan on the handle looks rather old and elaborate. based on that I would age the handle pre ww2.
The resin (structure of the surface) on the handle also looks old and authentic.
However, the shape/size of the resin is unusual. this section is very large.
Also the angle between handle an blade looks a bit out of line. And the heavy blade with the small handle are a bit to far out of proportion imo.

Could it be that the blade and handle where fitted recently

Where did you buy this blade from ? Indonesia / Malaysia ?

Best regards,
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