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Old 28th January 2018, 07:52 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello ashkenaz,

I've been looking up the connection between the Modern/Military/Recon/Marine Ginunting to the more heavy and "traditional" Binangon/Ginunting Bolo as well as the story to how the Modern Ginunting came about and transitioning from the old Ilonggo one and who exactly made the modernized modifications.
So, what have you found out already?

This seems to be a fairly recent development within the Tortal/Gaje lineage. I'm not privy to any intimate details but you can always ask the source, I guess.
Please keep us posted!

From what I've seen there is quite a bit of variability of antique Ilonggo binangon/ginunting (i. e. with klewang type blades) from Panay/Guiramas/Negros: If there is any trend at all, the longer, "pure" fighting blades may be a tad slimmer on average?

I haven't come across any antique examples with original concave edge (nor noticeably protruding tip) though; however, there are genuine klewang with resembling features from other (non-neighbouring) origins.

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