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Old 20th January 2018, 05:47 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Victrix

In my view this is an Afghan made Jezail. And a nice unmolested example that shows definate field use, yet still very solid as Richard mentions.
These Jazails were locally made utilizing a combination of surplus and locally made parts as you surmised. They were probably used by the locals all the way to at least the 1880's. And you will find them in any combination of flintlock or percussion and rifled or smooth bore barrels.
The Jazails have a colorful history and must have been very popular in the Region as there are so many examples still available today. If you search the Forum you can find previous discussions as to the reasons for the unusual butt stock design.
Again, a nice piece.

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