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Old 17th January 2018, 01:48 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Ian,

Until today I would quite happily have called the top one a Malay kelewang and the bottom one a parang ginah.
I agree with the anak wali / parang ginah notion. Based on the recurved tip of the blade, it might be Pattani - however, there seems to be quite some overlap/variability and I believe we need to be cautious with our working hypotheses.

The klewang is not from the northern Malay regions. The cross-section of the blade is not triangular, isn't it?

I'd suggest that it originates from the Straits region or neighbouring Malay communities. The hilt seems to be based on one of the common sewar hilt types. (It might be a later replacement though...)

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