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Old 15th January 2018, 05:28 PM   #4
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi Robert:

Nice knife!

There are a few of these short, fat-bellied Luzon knives around, although they are certainly uncommon. I'm fairly sure this one is of Ilokano manufacture. The brass ferrules are fairly typical Ilokano work and the leather sheath, although non-specific in origin, is a common feature for Ilokano knives. Added to this is the sharply clipped blade, another common feature on Ilokano knives. The use of horn for a butt plate is not something you see very often on any Filipino knives.

This one looks to me that it is from the mid-20th C, plus or minus. The presence of varnish on the blade suggests it was a G.I. bring back. If so, it was probably made in the general area of Pangasinan down to Pampanga, targeting U.S. servicemen stationed in that area. Might have been a custom-made piece judging from the finish on it.


Last edited by Ian; 15th January 2018 at 05:39 PM.
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