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Old 14th January 2018, 03:59 AM   #1
Vikingsword Staff
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Default Middle Eastern knife (?)

Another one I need help to pin down.

I acquired this knife at an antiques fair during a trip to London in 2000. The dealer said it was Middle Eastern and WWII vintage. I saw a well made knife with a good blade, nice metal sheath and clean hilt--and I talked him down to 14 pounds. I think the sheath is silver plated (no marks). The blade is single edged with a false edge along the distal half of the blade. The spine of the blade is on the side where the small quillion of the guard turns down towards the blade. The hilt is a mix of materials, with the grip being bone. There is a grooved pommel that fits the thumb for a stabbing blow.

Overall length = 9.5 inches. I like the feel of this attractive looking knife. The back of the scabbard has two rings near the throat for some type of suspension mechanism.

I was thinking it may be Syrian, Lebanese or Jordanian, but I would like to hear from someone who is far more expert on these than I am.


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