Thread: Wootz Jambiya
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Old 12th January 2018, 02:06 AM   #9
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Nothing new about this piece. The blade is definitely wootz. The spots where the pattern is gone is where the edges were probably heat treated and not perfectly controlled causing the pattern to burn out. The contrast and depth of pattern rules out any artificial method. The scabbard shows extensive wear on the side worn against the body and the fabric exhibits a good bit of fading. I would call the hilt style Indo-Arab, maybe Hyderabad, with a funky replaced side. The ivory has a nice mellow patina and is old. The white metal mounts were probably a late 19th to early 20th century “fix” for a missing grip slab. Whether done in its working life or in a late 19th, early 20th century bazaar is anyone’s guess.
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