Originally Posted by Kubur
Sorry guys
I don' like to be pessimistic but
the sheat / scabbard is Indian and not very old;
the hilt with the silver at the back is classic from South Arabian jambiya or khanjar;
in an Indian context, I'll say that it's a Jewish hilt from India or Yemen;
the blade is recent fake or printed wootz (if you scratch it'll disapear).
To me it's a recent fake Indian jambiya...made of different marts
the hilt is good & old, the blade is recent

Hello Kubur,
While you may be right about the hilt and the sheath, I am certain you are wrong, very wrong, about the blade.
I have many wootz blades, many etched myself, that show exactly the same type of local fading you highlighted on this blade.
The blade is Wootz all right in its finest form!
Moreover, the lobed pommel doesn't look very Arabic to me but much more Indian, as I saw several Tiger Tooth Daggers with pommels somehow similar to this one.