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Old 28th December 2017, 11:14 AM   #1
Marcus den toom
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Default Brass haquebut early 16th century

This brass haquebut barrel came to me late this year, somewhat of a self organized Christmas present

It is very close to examples already posted before on this forum, the powderpan on top of the barrel denotes a close date of around 1490-1500s The three staged octagon barrel is about 48cm in length plus a 7cm socket with a cracked but preserved piece of wood inside.

The barrel mouth is formed like a flower, very well crafted. The hook is in the style of the mid to late 15th century and has a length of 5,7cm.

The barrel mouth shows the power of the shots which have been fired by this cannon, every shot must have deposited a layer of molten brass. Imagine the wear on such guns.. even with lead bullets.

-The bore must be about 47cm long
-There is a lead bullet inside 27cm into the barrel measured from the barrel mouth.
-The breech is 47mm diameter
-The middle part is 38mm diameter
-The third part is 27mm diameter
-The flower/barrel mouth is 47mm diameter
-The back part of the hook (which would be resting against the wall) is just like the bullet 27cm from the barrel mouth
-The barrel is 15mm bore diameter
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