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Old 27th December 2017, 02:27 PM   #18
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by Ian
Just to add some context to current Filipino knives, here are two that I believe are from Mindoro and were made recently. They are almost identical in style and have the same mark ("MIN81") stamped at the base of the blade. It appears they were made at the same time by the same person.

These are high quality blades, both well sharpened with a single bevel to the edge (in the manner of most Visayan knives). The handles are good and tight to the blind tang. Good working knives, practical and inexpensive, that would serve as a weapon if necessary.


hi, yep they look ok , but they are not native mindoro knives they are made by settlers. probably visayans form the lowlands.
but the general rule of thumb is the further from modern life you go in the phillipines the more likely youll find a good knife.
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