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Old 9th December 2017, 08:35 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by Pukka Bundook
I'm holding my breath, Rick!
Hi Richard.

The bore is now clear. Used boiling water. Whatever was down there seems to have melted LOL I also used a smaller diameter rod than I was originally using, and discovered it would go all the way to the breech end. What came out of the bore with a dry patch was the usual black/rust - but also some ugly looking grey colored substance. LOL The bore at the muzzle is about .55 caliber. I've been cleaning using a .50 caliber bronze bore brush. However, a too loose .45 caliber brush is a perfect snug fit the last 4 inches at the breech end. So you are correct. The boree has a constriction, and tapers smaller the last 4" or so from the breech end. That was adding to my confusion. LOL
Anyway, thanks for the tip. Just needs a bunch more cleaning now.

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