Thread: PNG sword club
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Old 3rd December 2017, 03:03 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Thumbs up PNG sword club

Just as I thought I was giving up collecting I acquired this smashing piece. 51 inches long and diamond section hard smooth palm wood and quite heavy for a sword club. Do you ever really stop or just start again? It came with auction notes of having origins in the Mambare river region. If you have researched PNG sword clubs you can see that there is a subtle difference from region to region. Looking from the Sepik to Massim region you will find Mambare south east of the Sepik and north of Collingwood bay and the Massim region. sword club from these region are much the same form but with subtle differences in finish and decoration. The handle end seems to be the most noticeable area of region. I will try to illustrate this over time. Here is the club and supporting photo from the net. Not so keen on the chaps wife. Sorry about the pink but the ironing board seem like a good back drop.
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Last edited by Robert; 5th December 2017 at 02:55 AM. Reason: Referencing items that are to be offered at auction is against forum policy.
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