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Old 29th November 2017, 12:40 AM   #18
EAAF Staff
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Location: Upstate New York, USA
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Thumbs up A brief contemporary mention

Interestingly, there is a brief mention of Cpt. Chimmo and the Nassau in the log of the clipper ship Franklin written by its Captain John Drew:

Ship Franklin in the ____ Sea. July 21st 1871. 9 days day from (Ilo-ilo?). Latitude 5.30 degrees North. Long. 122.4 East

We have had some very pleasant intercourse with the Capt. and officers of the H.B.M. surveying Steamer, Nassau, which I have already mentioned. Capt. Chimmo, an Irish gentleman is in command and a very intelligent person. He called on me and we exchanged specimens of curious shells, etc. The ward room officers all came to breakfast one morning- and I was on board and then on to dinner. We compared charts- chronometers, which was of great value to me, and I was able to give them some new reports of shoals which they had not heard of. The artist on board was a young English Nobleman, The Hon. Mr. Verica. A real nice fellow, the first blooded gent, I have ever acquainted with. His drawings and water colors are very fine. They are engaged in surveying these seas, taking deep sea soundings, and making microscopic drawings of all that the lead brings up from the bottom of the sea. Also, making collections of everything that comes their way, in the natural history, etc. –live- I was able to give them some ferns which they very much prized. Good luck to the “Nassau”, I say.

Last edited by Lee; 29th November 2017 at 07:18 PM. Reason: adding relevant text from the linked site
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