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Old 27th October 2017, 08:10 PM   #1
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Default Luristan revisited

found a luristan bronze axe head of the type i've been looking for yesterday at auction. sadly, it went for about six times my max bid. it's the simpler one below.

today, i stumbled on one again, a more elaborate version, with a low minimum bid same as yesterdays, i bid a tenner over the minimum online and won it for £4 over, the only other bidder only bid £2 over the minimum.

anyhow, i'm guessing these are likely to be fairly recent copies, tho the decorative lines on the one i won are quite crisp rather than blurred as they'd be if cast from a mould of a real one instead of the original moulds.

it was listed as 18.5 X 9 CM. i'll add some more dimensions/ weight and maybe some better pics when it arrives.

anyhow, i respect your opinions. what do you think? real/copy? clues as to your conclusions? all appreciated. thanks in advance for any comments.

i've also re-read our old thread here:

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Last edited by kronckew; 27th October 2017 at 08:42 PM.
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