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Old 21st October 2017, 08:17 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Stu.

WOW!! That's a really nice example of a snaphaunce musket from the Taouzilt Region of Morocco. And a wonderful job of cleaning. As you mention, it is often amazing what you will find underneath a half-century of dirt and grime. And it all appears complete, including the lock. Nothing seems to be missing. Usually a rare circumstance with these guns. Even the lock looks complete. Is it in working order ? I seem to recall that the muskets from this Region have a good quantity of metal over wrap on their barrels and fore stocks. I've seen them in brass, silver, iron, or in combination such as this example. This, along with the butt stock decoration is especially attractive. I believe all the metal wrap on these guns was not just for decorative purposes, but also to reinforce the fore end of the gun due to the extra thin wood.The lock on this specimen follows the rough outline of the English pattern of snaphaunce.
I think you made a good trade Stu. That's a really nice, complete example that should display well. Congratulations. Would not mind having this one in my collection.

Hi Rick,
Thanks for the kind comments, and YES I am really happy with the outcome.
The lock is complete....nothing broken and nothing missing as far as I am aware. All in working order, but the hammer will not hold on full cock. Not surprising really considering the state it was in. The notch which would hold it at full cock is a bit ragged due to rust pitting, but I am not concerned about that as I have no intention of shooting the gun.
Regarding the silver wrap ....I would agree that part of the reason for it being there is to add strength to the stock as it is very thin towards the muzzle end. General comments in print regarding this particular type of Mukahla is that all, or most from this particular region of Morocco are very ornately decorated, with liberal use of (mainly) silver. Whether this is a statement of wealth or just the way of the region, I do not know.
Mukahla from other regions of Morocco have differing types of decoration such as bone inlays, whereas these do not.

As a tip for others who may be faced with restoration of this sort, I would recommend that for rust removal, that White Vinegar is the answer. I have tried several other ways in the past but this works extremely well and quite quickly also. Also very good for penetrating rusted screw threads. The jaw screw on this particular gun was rusted absolutely tight and there was not way that it could be moved without the risk of breaking the screw head off. Heat applied to the screw and dousing and soaking 24 hours in the vinegar worked after 4 treatments, so things which often seem impossible can be remedied with patience.
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