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Old 21st October 2017, 05:30 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Stu.

WOW!! That's a really nice example of a snaphaunce musket from the Taouzilt Region of Morocco. And a wonderful job of cleaning. As you mention, it is often amazing what you will find underneath a half-century of dirt and grime. And it all appears complete, including the lock. Nothing seems to be missing. Usually a rare circumstance with these guns. Even the lock looks complete. Is it in working order ? I seem to recall that the muskets from this Region have a good quantity of metal over wrap on their barrels and fore stocks. I've seen them in brass, silver, iron, or in combination such as this example. This, along with the butt stock decoration is especially attractive. I believe all the metal wrap on these guns was not just for decorative purposes, but also to reinforce the fore end of the gun due to the extra thin wood.The lock on this specimen follows the rough outline of the English pattern of snaphaunce.
I think you made a good trade Stu. That's a really nice, complete example that should display well. Congratulations. Would not mind having this one in my collection.

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