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Old 17th October 2017, 03:05 AM   #14
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Rather than start a new thread on the same topic of a Chinese trousse, I'm hope you fine folks will offer some comments on the item pictured below.

While the metal work doesn't scream high quality, the chopsticks are either bone or ivory (I put the end of one to a flame and the smell of scorched 'bone' was distinct).

Also, there is a hallmark on the base with the Roman letters 'INA'...the remains of 'CHINA', perhaps??? The blade is also of FAR lower quality than Clement's seems to be. So, I suspect kit was made for the western market, but the possibility of ivory sticks leaves me hopeful for something more.

My gut says c.1960s. (Disclaimer-As usual, my gut draws from no actual knowledge or experience. Any claims to the contrary are patent nonsense, and should be soundly discounted)

Thanks, in advance!
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