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Old 9th October 2017, 08:34 PM   #7
G. Mansfield
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Kubur, there is a possibility that this dagger may date to the late 19th century as it should not be ruled out, but without dating on the blade, I did not want to immediately describe as such. It was purchased as "early 20th Century coming from an old Belgium Collection", purchased from Belgium.

LJ, You are correct, the larger one is dated [1318] =1900/1901 on both sides with "Khartoum" on one side and "Omdurman" on the other. Details of the blade can be found in the link above of the initial post.

It would be interesting if there was a way to better date these, but I made my assumption off of earlier dated ones where the blades were of better quality as opposed to those of mid 20th Century examples with flat blades, no mid ribs or fullers and less quality silver or white metal workings.

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