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Old 9th October 2017, 12:23 PM   #12
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This is the kind of things that, unless you are familiar with, having in it hands and be able to meddle with it, helps a lot. I would insist that it must be complemented by some kind of stock; once not a classic one, some extension to hold it or stick it on.
Isn't that a tension spring on the upper part of its 'grip', even with a pin to let it rotate ? Couldn't it be to fix such extension ? In this case its owner could help us, by trying to make it move.
I would agree that the trigger ring is there for some reason. I wouldn't go for the trap but something of more repeated action; i don't know ... some racing signal device ?
Surely single action. The hammer with a tiny rectangular portrusion to crack into the rim fire ammo. But again, its owner may confirm this.

I meant double action.

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Last edited by fernando; 9th October 2017 at 12:43 PM.
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