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Old 8th October 2017, 11:06 PM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Detlef, I agree with you that this spear head is in very fine condition, and it certainly does not show the signs of age or of wear that we are accustomed to seeing in older items.

However, I have handled 300 and 400 year old keris blades that look as though they came off the work-bench yesterday.I have handled fine English firearms from the 19th century, that were in absolutely pristine condition. It is very difficult to determine age of any artifact from a photo.

Perhaps you might care to qualify your opinion in respect of this spear head, just a little?

Personally, my own opinion would run something like this:-

"based upon what I believe I can see in the photos of this Indian spear head I am unable to form any firm opinion as to age"
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