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Old 3rd October 2017, 06:02 PM   #9
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841

I donīt think the gap was coused by shrinking, the horn section may be too short for such relatively big gap (just opinion, maybe wrong ...). Sometimes, when the gap is coused by shrinking, the parts of handle are movable (but not always because of corrosion or old glue etc.). If the parts here, in this case, are movable, I would consider to remove (only !) the pommel and to push the parts (carefully by tapping) back together. Nevertheless I think that something is missing there. Myabe it was some filler. But I would also consider to put there either brass part or new black horn part (divided into two pieces, without dismanteling the handle - to put it from the sides, after than to fit and sink it and to polish it- but carefully; this is nevertheless lengthy and fiddly job).
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