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Old 1st October 2017, 03:37 PM   #35
Jens Nordlunde
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Yes Henri Moser's father was a watchmaker in St. Petersburg, but a very skilled one, as he was working for Fabergé.
It is said, that some of the swords Moser got, he paid with a bottle of snaps.
If I remember correctly, in the paper drawn up between Moser and the council of Bern, it says that the collection should be on exhibition at all times, but the museum says, that due to lack of money, they can only show a small part of the collection.
Please correct me, if I remember wrongly about the paper between Moser and the council of Bern.

The 1912 catalogue is almost impossible to find, and like Artzi wrote, very expensive. The 1955 catalogue is difficult to find, and quite expensive as well - and it is in German.
I have heard somewhere, that there is a manuscript of the daggers, the manuscript is almost finished, and the pictures photographed - but the museum does not have the money to publish it!!!
Have you tried to read between the lines:-).
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