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Old 6th September 2017, 02:46 AM   #180
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Actually the sword Mr. Daehnhardt has in his book is a most valid example, and serves well to illustrate the apparently numerous examples of hybrid or rehilted instances of these very distinct hilts.

Swords are famously known for being remounted, and married in often incongruent assemblies as they are refurbished with changing hands as heirlooms, trade items, diplomatic hybrids or any number of cases.

It seems to me that this sword is likely one such example. Every author has examples or references in their books that may be reconsidered in later times as new evidence or examples are found. Actually every author hopes and expects to be corrected as others work forward researching their subject matter and text. Most include notices in their forwards in the publication that they are responsible for any errors or material which may be disproven or reconsidered.
Consider that in my case as a writer, clearly most of what I express as comment or observation is quickly critiqued, whether refuted or rebutted and many times even agreed with..either way I think of it as constructive and often helpful in learning much in the manner I describe.

I do not agree that the Daehnhardt example should be censored out of dialogue regarding the Sinhalese kastane, as I have noted it is an example of hybrid in the spectrum of these hilts in other contexts.

The 'Sendai' example of c.1613 in Japan is another example of this distinct hilt form with what appears a 'foreign' blade type. Again, it serves as an example of this hilt in terminus post quem with well established provenance.
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