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Old 4th September 2017, 07:53 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Estcrh.

That's a beautiful Persian rifle!!! Looks like it "just" fit the gun case. I've found that even double-wall boxes are good for only one round trip. I wish they made those plastic gun cases for long barrels, but they don't. I've looked everywhere.
Here's a Sind rifle I sent to the gunsmith to make a small fix on the lock position where he needed the entire gun. Imagine trying to find a gun case to fit this. LOL If you've seen these guns the butt stock is not only very wide, but also very thin. So I ended up having a co-worker make me a crate from pine wood, reinforced at the corners and the middle. He actually went a bit over board with the construction. The foam is the type used over the top of hospital beds. I could have dropped this crate off a one story building and the contents would be ok. LOL!! I was astonished that the weight and dimensions "just" made the limits for USPS. But I can use this crate again.

Rick, nice example, how long is it? I also have one, it looks to be much longer but it is hard to tell from photos, I will find it and take some pictures and measurements.
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