Thread: Pirate's Axe
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Old 1st September 2017, 11:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340
Default Pirate's Axe


I have previously posted this in the ethnographic section thinking the blade, or blade shape may have come from India, but not much luck. So am re-posting here as a couple of members suggest European is more likely.

This axe lives in a museum and is marked as a boarding axe of unknown origin which is fair enough considering the langets, a lanyard ring and a belt hook. But the lack of a spike suggests more weapon than tool and because of this and the marine fittings I am thinking that it is a one of a kind pirate's personal weapon rather than a boarding axe.

It is 29.5 inches (75cm) long and the blade is 12 inches (30cm) and very sharp.

Any comment appreciated especially about the origin of the blade shape or the studded handle decoration?
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