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Old 1st September 2017, 05:53 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
I have to say ...or should I say point out? That both these complex answers on the subject of Crosses are on completely the wrong thread. My advice would be that the correct thread is ~

~ where Crosses are being aired relevant to West African swords.
LOL! Well, I have to was you Ibrahiim, who raised the topic when you revived this old thread in your post #159. You placed the link to that thread and wrote:
I further cast doubt upon the claim that this is a Christian cross. Again the reference above refers. It is more likely to be Voodoo inspired.
You further press this question in post #161:
I would be pleased to see a proof regarding the Christian Cross in the blade as so far as is understood this is a Voodoo geometry although any light you can throw on it other than the author writing that this is a Christian Cross related to those on Pharaohic Tombs?
So if you truly think our responses are on the wrong thread you might want to ask yourself why you continue to encourage the discussion here.
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