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Old 30th August 2017, 05:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Will M
I don't believe it is British made because of the pommel. Danish, Swedish I;m not sure as I collect British.
It appears there is a loss to the guard, slightly irregular shape of the guard on the one side suggests two guard bars were once present. These soft brass hilts tended to have their bars crack and break over time or usage.
Someone in the past has smoothed down the guard to remove protrusions of the broken bars.
that side bar branches theory is a possibility. the thicker bit where the knuckle bow re-enters the pommel has two well smoothed bumps on the bottom, tho not the side, that correspond to the two smoothed bumps on the main flat face.

can't find any similar looking for danish/swedish examples.

so many variants are one reason the brits went to a standardised pattern in 1796, not long after the brit light dragoons were renamed to became the light cavalry. tho officers on all sides maintained a bit of obstinate variance with their private purchase swords well after the napoleonic/american rev./war of 1812/crimea, etc. makes it all more fun for us.

Last edited by kronckew; 30th August 2017 at 06:24 PM.
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