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Old 29th August 2017, 09:03 PM   #1
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Default American or British?

picked up this horseman's sword (sic.) which looks a lot like an american revolutionary war era (latter half 18c) dragoon horseman's sword, much the same blade, and 4-slot brass guard. the grip however has a backstrap/pommel more like a british sword and the blade is less curved. i obtained it thru a prominent and knowledgeable arms and armour dealer who said he bought a scottish estate, the collection of a man who only collected american weapons, the dealer also wasn't too sure what it was. a loyalist smith named potter made the american ones for the loyalists, and the continentals liked to capture and use them. i've read a potter sword was sent to the continental congress as a sample for them to duplicate.

there are no markings at all apparent. the 4 slot brass guard is fairly crudely & unevenly made, like they were in a hurry to crank out a bunch of them, no scabbard, wood grip used to have a twisted wire wrap, leather is quite dry, worm holes and the bit near the guard is a bit rotten. needs some tlc and he components need tightening up. blade a bit distressed tho cleaned of active rust and appears stabilised. it feels very light and nimble to the hand. springy blade. an old veteran.

540 gm. 29 in. blade, 1.5 in wide at guard. single fuller, last 8 in. double edged.34.5 in. overall, still service sharp and deadly.

anyone have an idea what it really is? thanks in advance for any info.
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Last edited by kronckew; 29th August 2017 at 09:22 PM.
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