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Old 28th August 2017, 04:51 AM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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In "Arts of the Muslim Knight", Furusiyya Art Foundation, 2008, there are a number of 'chilanum' included in the well described examples which seem to range from the 16th to well through the 17th c.

On p.143, in the introductory chapter on daggers, it is noted that "...chilanum hilts first appear in miniature paintings from the second half of the 16th century".
* ref cited, "Imperial Mughal Painting", Stuart Cary Welch, 1978, London, pl.4

In "Arts' (op.cit. p.207) a 'chilanum' is shown which is stated as closely related to one in the David Collection, which was the property of
Ali Adil Shah I (r. 1558-1580), and another which stylistically is suggested possibly earlier.
The 'Adil Shah' dagger is also illustrated in "Hindu Arms and Ritual" (Robert Elgood, 2004, pp.109-10, fig. 11, 1-4.

While it is true that it is well known that material in arms literature is often 'lifted' and perpetuated, the material in the references I have noted is well researched and from key collection resources. I am unclear on which references however declare that the 'chilanum' are always 17th c.

There appears to be a certain 'range' in the group of daggers known as chilanum, which include the 'anthromorphic' style hilts (which have what appear to be upheld arms). Could it be that this particular style hilt on chilanum is particular to 17th c.?
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