Thread: Silver Keris
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Old 15th August 2017, 12:54 PM   #28
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Alan,

the IFICAH exhibition has been mentioned a couple of times.

I do not have the hardcopy book that went with this exhibition
The link in my post #17 gives you access to the full book (PDF file).

were the keris in this exhibition accompanied by reliable provenance?
Well, the short answer is probably no - unless you define reliable (and possibly provenance... ).

The keris in the exhibition were loans from private collections and there is no provenance stated for the 2 keris shown in this thread; however, most specimens in famous museum collections don't have any reasonable provenance either.

I assume the accompanying descriptions were done by Achim Weihrauch, Adni Aljunied, and Udo Kloubert. Certainly many keris in museum collections have not been studied in depth by experts accepted by any of the senior keris people from the land of Jawa (and if so they probably won't agree with each other either !).

Thus, I guess we have to live with what we have. The authors' estimates resonates with our discussion here: "Earlier 20th century, maybe end of 19th century." [As mentioned, I'd tend towards a later date.]

I guess, some pointers from you would not hurt though, Alan!

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