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Old 10th August 2017, 05:52 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
Somebody paid a small fortune with no real provenance. Would this type of sword be carried by a the relatively low in rank officers in the Fretterman incident?
i would have left it at home in my quarters and wore something a bit more practical. they do find a lot of rather ornate sword parts on battlefields over here, so some ossifers might when they think they're gonna have a walk over and media to show off for. bit like patton and is revolvers. of course he DID have a lot of walk overs...but so did custer untill the last one wasn't. he of course told his men to leave their sabres behind along with the gatlings as they wouldn't need them. it was gonna be a walk over...

unusual for a lower ranking officer to be presented with it, he must have enjoyed carrying it and showing off. all in all i'd not pay all that moola without a durn good provenance and lots of documentation.

i could see an NDN who captured it cutting off the guard to suit him. bit like the japanese did to the heihos.

Last edited by kronckew; 10th August 2017 at 06:06 PM.
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