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Old 9th August 2017, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default Unknown club (amazon and purple heart wood?)

A recently aquired very nice Club of unknown origin.

The club is massive of almost square shaped wood. Length is 93 cm, weight 1200 Grams.

The Club seems to be made of Purple Heart Wood but I'm unsure because it is not purple but a very deep red color. The endings are almost black, which indicates some decades or more of age.

The hilt is much too small for my Hand, similar to a Tulwar from 1800 or before. Another indicator for an old club.

Is anyone able to identify this club and is it worth for collecting or more a high quality training piece?

The effectiveness of this club in combat must be absolutely extreme, probably more effective than most swords.

And this color is so amazing, I'm absolutely in love with it! It conquered my heart in just a few seconds. If one opens a package and such a piece is inside, it is like Christmas, birthday and whatever on one day.

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