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Old 4th August 2017, 08:54 AM   #45
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Thanks for your comments Johan.

Once again I will make the point that there was no debate going on in our exchanges. It was discussion. Debate involves attempts to convince people of something, I don't think Gustav was pushing any argument, he was just showing pics and making comments, similarly I was not pushing any argument, just commenting. Debate does not look anything like this. I've been involved in debates, real ones, face to face with a clock ticking and a necessity to make convincing argument. Debates can leave you bruised. Nobody gets bruised in discussion.

The reason Gustav and I are so polite to one another is because we were not debating. There is no need to get nasty in a discussion, but it is sometimes necessary in true debate to destroy not only the opposition position, but also the person presenting that position.

But we're nice people here, we don't do that sort of thing.
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